World production and consumption
How is that possible, that for many years I was consistently against the idea of universal indoor rot and then, in february, I’ve changed my mind to decide to both support the idea and help in designing it?
How is that possible, that for many years I was consistently against the idea of universal indoor rot and then, in february, I’ve changed my mind to decide to both support the idea and help in designing it?
Did you know that some players use Cantr to learn languages? Cantr offers users the opportunity, unique among role-playing games, to play any number of their 15 characters in any of the available languages, made possible by volunteer translators (you can apply to be a translator on your player page). For those players already fluent… Continue reading »
I wanted to write a bit more about diversity, because I find this a broad subject having a lot to do with the current game problems. I have no idea what I should focus on currently, so I think it’s better to leave this topic instead of going back and forth. When thinking about the… Continue reading »
In the two previous parts I’ve mentioned the matter of diversity: why is it important, what groups of things promote diversity and the importance of consumer goods. Now I’ll look at the issue from the trade’s perspective, presenting also a few examples of implementations which are not promoting diversity.
In my last article I’ve mentioned main categories of things which, in my opinion, are not promoting diversity in Cantr well enough, which is extremely important for the well-being of game. In my work in Resources Department I’m working on promoting diversity by the game mechanics – different types of similar objects should have different… Continue reading »
The text is written from the perspective of the Polish Zone. Many older players have noticed the game has changed a lot. It’s often mentioned that in terms of gameplay (so ignoring interface, server stability and reliability of game mechanics) the game has changed for the worse. I don’t fully agree with it. People often… Continue reading »